Sunday, December 18, 2005


Life is a game and we are the players , the rules of the game are preset but never mentioned you have to work them out and apply them strictly , only the strong people lay the rules and the week people they are the ones who apply them , and the key to get the power is to dominate over some resources or a group of them and then get the satisfactory knowledge to use  theses resources  at the optimum …

Life always offers you time to learn new things , but the problem when we are just passing by these new experiences and let them into oblivion , we have to have a real-time processing mind always active and ready to receive new Ideas and concepts that will help to hone our skills and mentality into better manners of life

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Books I Read

  • Rule by secrecy
  • Screw it , let's do it
  • Sowing the wind
  • ذاكرة جسد
  • Eleven Minutes
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loves life , adores beauty , and always on the run

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