Wednesday, December 28, 2005

:) ja'adore la nature
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Holding the Sun on my Palms ! the Dea sea Resort , Jordan
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the Medical Mud of the dead sea you can get it by laying down your leg and scrtach the surface of the sea , dont try to dive , it is 30% salinity !!
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flora from Jordan , the Dead sea area
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a Church in Ajloun , Jordan , a church built among the natural views
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Ajamn Beath in the Emirates , In one of the 5 star hotels
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Oman,Khasb...another photo
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Oman, Khasb , It is a nice serene place to enjoy the tranquility away from cities,yet exciting for campers and sea enthusists.
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A village on the Omani Coast , a poor village of fishers who speaks a language of their own and it is totally different from either arabic or persian (Ras mussandam ,Oman)
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Sunday, December 25, 2005

Ho Ho Ho ...Its Christmas time let us celebrate ...the Birth of Jesus ...and remember it is not just the gift but the Spirit of the festivities is the feelings of love we share .
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Christmas Parade in City Center mall , Dubai , UAE
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Christmas tree alive and in-motion ...
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Santa Enjoying Christmas Carols
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another one
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the Teddy Bear of Christmas ...
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Christmas , Vivid colors , Spirit of peace .
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Santa (Papa Noel) , Ringing his bell for calling the children , and spraying Joy in the air ...Dubai , CityCenter mall
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Friday, December 23, 2005

me and Veronika (Hungarian friend)@ the National Theatre Entrance in Budapest.
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Peros Paprika, it is a must on all the Hungarian tables.
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the National Theatre Entrance in Budapest .
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a closeup , Ornament of an angel
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Inside the Bazaar
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Bazaar , the old market in Istanbul
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A nice dog..
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One of the Kings of Hungary
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the angel holding the Hungarian Crown and Cross , Hero Square , Budapest
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The Opera House in Hungary , Budapest
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Just at the moment of taking off , Sharjah,UAE
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a closer look to the Qasba Channel
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al Qasba-Channel in Sharjah , the air lungs of the area , UAE.
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Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Sum up your hills

Sum  up your hills and build that mountain
Don’t let your skills scattered like diamonds in a fountain
Pickup the strengths of your youth spirit and let the time be slain
Slain like the beast that St. George hit in the middle of his brain
Fight without knives; Just use your mind to get the gain
And don’t blame your anguish for the fog that covered your sane.
Sum up your hills up to the mountain
Still there your flag and bet the others to obtain
Silent you are like a flame but if touched it will arson
Sum up the hills here is the mountain
Peaks of snow heart of flame brain of sane
If somebody needs the challenge he has to learn from what he Gain.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005


Get your enemies under your feet and crush

Let your wind blow them away and flush

Say hello In my Hell O thou nemesis of  hush

If  the past was  arid  then the future will be lush

And your soul will barren facing my raging fire that will leave only ash.

Be always ready

Be always ready , hone your knives and let you sword be on your hip

Look ahead and never think of the past just keep aside and dip

Fly over the pebbles and keep your  eyes on the aim and never tip

Say Lucky me I’m the king who had never lost a battle in a whip

Never let the others overwhelm you just roar in their faces and rip

It’s this world that needs a lion that never surrender even to a kip.

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Flora from Hungary
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Amiralis ...a flora of Hungary
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Folkloric Dress from Hungary...
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Margit Hid , connecting Buda with Pest along with margrit Island in the middle
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Veronika and I on a cruise Ship on the Danube (Duna) , Budapest
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me and my mother
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The Borders between Hungary and Slovenia
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flora from Hungary , Szigetsentmiklos
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Gotcha, Action has just started
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Medieval ages sports are still alive , Szentendre
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Hungarian Flag , Szentendre
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welcome to MagyarOrszag..
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Throwing the arrow, an old sport from medieval times
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a Group photo with my Hungarian friends
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welcome to Hungary...the Danube is always saying Hello...
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T-shirts explaining Itself , Hungary, Szentendre
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An Angel
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Hungarian Folkloric Shop
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A Chestnut tree in Tihany, Hungary
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Books I Read

  • Rule by secrecy
  • Screw it , let's do it
  • Sowing the wind
  • ذاكرة جسد
  • Eleven Minutes
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loves life , adores beauty , and always on the run

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