Tuesday, January 18, 2011

This is Algeria!

Can you believe  that this snowy mountain in Algeria , Algerians are strange people in the sense that they don't want to work really hard to get their

Income , they just depend on the tremendous vast oil and gas reserves they have all over Algeria , 2 million and 380 thousand Square kilometers

That's roughly 24 -25 times the area of Jordan with only 6-7 times it's population no more than 35 million population , 97% of their GDP (Gross domestic product) comes from Oil and Gas

This figure is enough to show how dependant they are on this resource , their land is fertile and good for Agriculture which they barely use , their land is rich in Metals like Iron and Gold and other minerals

Their people are educated and speaks French besides Arabic ! but their attitude towards the outer-world is what lowers their Image in the eyes of
The World and even their neighbours

They don't have good relations with Morocco and the historic reason as I learned that Western sahara which is a place rich in resources was part of Morocco and even the area neighbouring it which is called Tindouf (now part of Great Algeria) was part part of Great Morocco long time ago and

When the French left the Algerians claim that land for them!  

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Great Content from National Geographic Magazine


These are myshots on National Geographic

fbandak@gmail.com has sent you this link to a page at the National Geographic Magazine website. We hope you enjoy it.


Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Dubai Dolphinarium @ The Creek Park

The Creek park in Dubai has just added a jewel attraction to it's park the dolphin and the seal

Show in the Dolphinarium , it is a 1 hour show of attractively designed shows of 3 great dolphins

Who can merrily dance and jump 2 meters or more up in the air and even play with a big ball along

With the audience , this animal is an Intelligent animal that deserves from us more care and love

Of nature.

Friday, June 06, 2008

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Steve McCurry In Sharjah!!

Don't tell me who is Steve McCurry? Steve McCurry is a worlwide photojournalist who is most known for his photographs in the Middle east and Afghanistan during the Russian fighting against
the rebels , he was disguised in local dress so that he would take the photos that have compelled the world , McCurry's most recognized photo is that of "Afghan Girl," a previously unidentified Afghan refugee. The image itself was named as "the most recognized photograph" in the history of the National Geographic magazine and her face became famous as the cover photograph on the June 1985 issue. The photo has also been widely used on Amnesty International brochures, posters, and calendars. The identity of the "Afghan Girl" remained unknown for over 15 years until McCurry and a National Geographic team located the woman, Sharbat Gula, in 2002.

I was proud that I have the Chance to visit his Gallery that was Organized in Sharjah the City
Where I live at the moment , but I regret that I was not to see him in Person when he was
available for some workshops at the beginning of the show.

I have managed to take some of the photos as a souvenir but I have found that the photos are
available online in his gallery website at http:// www.stevemccurry.com so visit the site and feast your
eyes like what I did , and be Inspired maybe you'll be the next.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Some Of Lily Bandak UAE photos

Lily Bandak in UAE

Lily is now making her second visit to UAE , and she has been enthused by her will to change the arab world and by the generosity and hospitality of the United Arab Emirates which always tries to help and push towards the best in everything , depsite that the arab world needs a new brave thoughts and actions to change the gloomy status we are lying in a murky pool of doubtful fears and we need the willing people to sit and decide and take some actions that push forward the handicapped people in that arab world to let them have their say , they can produce if we let then so , and we must do they are among us and they create not less than 16% of the arab world can you realise that!! freaky figure ....

Lily Bandak was born in Amman, Jordan and went to grade school in Bethlehem on the West Bank. She has lived in the US since 1960 residing in Newark, Delaware. She was educated at the Académie De La Grande Chaumiér in Paris, The Philadelphia College of Art, The University of Delaware and the Antonelli College of Photography.

Her work with major public figures in the Middle East has included assignments as the personal photographer of Mrs. Anwar Sadat and the King and Queen of Jordan. She has also had the opportunity to photograph Yasser Arafat and Mrs. Hariri. In 1978, Ms. Bandak was invited by the government of Egypt to document the people and monuments of that country. These photographs were exhibited in Egypt, Washington DC and across the US They were later compiled into a book, "Images of Egypt". She has also exhibited at the World Trade Center in New York City, in Washington DC at the Capital Rotunda, Los Angeles, and at the Paralympic Games in Atlanta, Georgia in 1996 where Prince Raad opened her exhibition. She has done many other exhibits around the world. She was the first photographer to have work accepted into the permanent collection of the White House during the Carter administration.

In the early eighties, Ms. Bandak's career was in full swing. She was showing her work internationally, including an exhibit at the California Museum of Science and Industry that was seen by more than a third of a million people in four weeks. In 1983 she opened a photo-journalism department at Yarmouk University in Jordan and began to teach photography.

Soon after this, in 1984 Ms. Bandak was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis and stopped working due to her physical disability. For several years, she fought the disease and searched many countries, including: the US; China (for acupuncture and herbs); Europe; Africa; and the Middle East for a cure. After doubting that she would ever be able to return to the work she loved, because of her severe physical disability caused by her illness, she learned of the existence of Vocational Rehabilitation, a Federal program that assists the disabled in returning to work through modern technology. She designed a camera mount to be attached to her wheelchair which makes it possible for her to return to work.

In 1994, Ms. Bandak founded the Bandak Foundation. The Bandak Foundation encourages people with disabilities to enter into the work force and integrate into society. In November of 1995, Ms. Bandak., on the invitation by Her Majesty, Queen Noor and King Hussein of Jordan, she traveled and photographed in Jordan. She also traveled to Bahrain on the invitation of the Ministry of Information of Bahrain, and to Lebanon on the invitation of the World Rehabilitation Fund.

Ms. Bandak was invited back to Jordan by Her Majesty Queen Noor, to Lebanon by Bahia Hariri and to Bahrain by the Ministry of Labor to exhibit her new work from the wheelchair. The invitation from both dignitaries and the Bandak Foundation's wishes are that there would be more support leaders from the Arab world.

In August 1996, Ms. Bandak was chosen to participate at the Cultural Paralympiad to exhibit her photographs of the Arab World in Atlanta, Georgia by the Very Special Arts, and the Cultural Paralympic Committee.

In November of 1996, Ms. Bandak had an exhibition under the patronage of Her Majesty Queen Noor of Jordan and in March of 1997 she had an exhibition of her work in Lebanon on the invitation of Ms. Bahia Hariri of the Hariri Foundation. She exhibited her work at the Very Special Arts Gallery, the Capitol Rotunda, and at the US Arab Chamber of Commerce in Washington DC, in 1996. Her work was most recently on display from November through December, 1997 at the University of Delaware.

For many years Ms. Bandak stopped working due to her deteriorating physical condition. In 2004, Ms. Bandak’s work of Palestinian National Dress was placed in the Arab American National Museum in Dearborn, Michigan. In 2005, Ms. Bandak went to Beijing, China for medical treatments with the financial help of HRH Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal. While there, she discussed doing an exhibit of the Arab World she loves. Living in the West for so many years, she realized how little people know about the culture and history of the Middle East and how misunderstood it. Through the project, Lily hopes to demonstrate all of the modern technologies that have been achieved and the advancements of women in the Arab world at the Olympic Games 2008. This type of exhibit has never been done at the Olympic Games before. Since the press will be covering the Olympic Games, it will give great exposure to a part of the world that has not been exposed much culturally.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Burj Dubai

It's the tallest man-made structure by any measure even though it's not yet finished

It's final height is still a secret , but some sources say that it might soar the 1 Km!

That would be outrageous number I think , Personally I don't like to live or stay over the clouds

for too long , I like to try the sensation ...But Maybe Burj Dubai will change my Point

of view....

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Sheikh Zayed Road , and Burj Dubai

Since I visited Dubai from the first time I still feel the amazement and the Joy of seeing the ever rising buildings of Dubai , and now the tallest building in the world has just started to take it's final shape , and it might be finished within less than one year from now

Friday, October 12, 2007

George Throwing The Books

Throwing the Books
Video sent by Fadi Bandak

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

TransEurope//Over the alps , Paris and Brugge//

My 7 day trip across Europe by plane , train , and bus was a totally new experience in Europe , My destination was Paris , la ville lumiere "the city of lights" , my first stop was Euro-disney and more specifically the Holiday Inn Hotel in that resort , the Hotel was good , especially by the greenery that surrounds , lakes , trees , away from the city noise , and the easiness to reach the Euro-Disney Park , after one calm day at the Hotel ,In Which I arranged all the Incoming tours to the most prominent places in Paris , I took my Camera and Ticket and I went to Euro-Disney by Bus , there I found an amazing place like I was expecting So I started discovering the place by standing in Line to get the chance of trying this or that and It took me more than 12 hours to finish maybe 75% of them all , I returned back to the Hotel tired so I slept like a log , and next day after the Breakfast I Was ready to see Paris, to the next big Hotel , Le Meridien Montparnasse , a very cosy active part of Paris , on the way we have stopped by Tour Eiffel in which we went up to the 2nd level only , where we took some Fabulous view of the city , after that we went to take the room, and after I headed walking in the Streets of Paris , the Latin Quarter where all the artist , writers , and Students of Science and Literature where living,and by the way the Sorbonne University is is here also , this Building that dates back to the 13th Century of course renovated so many times,the other monument was the Pantheon , in greek it means all gods but for the French it means all the Great people of France who led changes towards better France , who believed in the motto " Liberete (Freedom) , Egalite (Equality) , Fraternite (Brotherhood)"
Lido was awaiting me at that same night, yes it is a Cabaret , but a first class one
that you can enjoy the dinner before the two hour show starts , where you'll be amazed by the stage capabilities of transforming and the nice sketches that they are presenting , that day was called , la Bonheure "Happy Time" , after those two hours of amusement , We were amused by the Champs-elysees street and the Arc de triomphe which stands in our Face out of the Lido , the Journey ended soon as we have to get ready for the Louvre visit the next day,
Next day and as Usual we head to the Louvre , first and before reaching we walked a little bit by the Garden , which is Parallel to the Egyptian Column , laid in the middle of a big Boulevard in the street , after a 10 minute walk we have reached the Glass Pyramid where the entrance to the Louvre is , The Guide Heidi "al Hadi" told us that this Pyramid was built as a sybmol of Gratitude and love from Jacque Chirac to his wife whom she adores the Egyptian Civilization as he does , once we got the tickets from the window we were ready to roam around the vast museum which contains all , Roman , Greek , Islamic , Persian , and of Course European civilisation monuments and art pieces , the most Important things to see on my agenda was the mona-lisa and the Venus de milo , the Giocanda "Monna Lisa " was so small against my predictions and sense , it alomost bigger than A4 size paper!! but beautiful and all people are taking her photos , she is for sure the most photographed woman on earth
the Louvre was so tiring ,and I'm sure if I have more days in Paris I'll come for at least one more day ..after the Louvre my Camera was full so it was time to drain the photos into my Hard-disk so I did , and after that I was ready for the next activity
the seine river trip , at 8:30 pm we have been on a tour to the Seine river by taking a big passenger boat , we sat on the uncovered part , hearing the guide and enjoying the views , and waving our hands for the People over the bridges and on the sides , who were watching us enjoying Paris by the Boat , after that the Driver took us to tour Eiffel again to watch it glittering at 11:00 pm , It was nice and marvellous especially withe Lazer lights at the peak like a big Beacon, the day was almost finished so we returned to the Hotel , for the next day trip to Brugge in Belgium

The trip to Brugge started early morning , 9:00 am after the nice Breakfast at le Meridien , 4 Hours of green feilds , full of Cows , Pigs , and Goats , and nice Green long trees ...Our first stop was for taking a little break for Food and Beverages
we reached on time , The day was delightfully sunny and active , I have seen people swarming on bicycles , and I was lured to do like them , and take a lot of Nice photos , so I did , I took a 2 hour trip around Brugge the small city that's nicknamed Venice of the North , and really It deserve the name , cause it has nice water passages between the Houses , which more clean than In Venice , and more Green
after the Bike ride , the time came for Chocolate Shopping , essential for a Brugge tourist to buy some hand made chocolate , after that a promenade by the rivers and Trees ended our trip , we have to return back to Paris ...
Next day I woke up a little bit late cause there was no sun , and I was free till one O'clock so I decided to go by Metro to Montmarte where the Sacre Coeur Church on the Top of the Montmarte hill busy with People , artist , tourist and Wanderers , the base of the Hill I have a Deja-vu of the Gulf , Cuase the shops there are full of Indians , selling and exchanging money , and for my surprise they don't speak English they have only French tongues not a problem , I bought the Umbrella for a 3.5 Euro s and went up to the Church , it was so Grand , and Beautiful from the Outside and the Inside , after that long chill walk I felt I need something sweet to eat so I sat for some Crepe au Chocolat which I adore ...so many Portraits in the street I can't stop looking at them but the Time was vanishing in this Timeless place so I head toward the M sign for the metro back to Montparnasse to go Versaille Chateau (Palace), which is Just on the skirts of Paris , we took a small van and along with the Group we headed there , 20 minute trip the Rain started to fall again and this time Heavily ,Thank heavens I said That I have been to Montmartre in the morning so that I have already purchased this Valuable Umbrella I stood under the rain In-line waiting for the Train to take us around the Palace , which we did after a 30 minute wait , It wasnt so nice cause the weather and the scenery was Nice , But I would prefer if I walked and enjoyed more the places we passed by , after that short Rendez-vous ,we entered into the Palace it's another Louvre and more vivid and Beautiful, this time we took an Audiogude which was more Informative to us the firs part was the Royal Chapel and Portrait room , and then Into the Living room and Bed room which was full of nice Unbelievably top of the Line Furniture made by the best artists of that time
after that we passed trough the mirror room a magnificently articrafts all over the walls and Huge Portraits for the Dauphine and Bourbon Royal families who ruled not only France , but other parts of Europe , like , Austria , Hungary , Germany, Spain
after almost 4 hours roaming in the Palace we started our dear walk in the Great Gardens there , full of Fountains , Artistically made , and nicely designed in a Labyrinth of Symmetries , so we used the map to find our route back , for almost two hours Rounding and taking the Photos we returned to the Bus tired , But full of memories , on our way back I have seen a small statue of Liberty Replica to the one in New York , which is a gift from France to the American people for their help in the 2nd world war , and of course the Civil war long time ago .
as we have reached the Hotel one Hour of rest was enough to make us go by Metro the Champs Elysees I went there with FADI Varoka and his Wife to Enjoy the last hours in Paris , in the Champs Elysees we started walking from that point till the Tour Eiffel which is on the Other side of the Seine River , the Champs Elysees was full of Arabs
not only this but also ads for Egyptian cinema movies , for Adel al Imam and others
at the End of our walk and after we enjoyed chatting over the Seine watching the tour Eiffel , we stopped at the Carrousel Cafeteria for nice Frankfurter with French fries
after that we returned back by Taxi to the Hotel.
Next day was the last day , so I tidy up my things , gave my bag to the bell-man ,
and then I head to the Metro for Champs Elysees by Day , this time I was going up to the arc de triomphe , Finally I reached by crossing the road from the wrong direction
cause there was passageway on the Champs Elysees I didnt recognize , I tried to go up but I discovered that the Ticket shop was down the stairs so I went down and It took me 20 minutes to get a ticket , Then I went up again and started walking the spiral ladder to the top , there on the top I have seen the streets of Paris very neat and tiday drawn like a green star , after taking the photos , and buying some souvenirs I went down the street again to take my last Lunch in France and I chose it to be in Pizza Pino in the Champs-Elysees street , after that I took my last metro Trip to Montparnasse back to take the bus to Charles de Gaules Airport , I put my Bags and we went , shopping at the Duty free was the last Shopping in this Beautiful but expensive country Euro is almost like the Jordan Dinar and prices are 4 to5 times higher , my last delight was Cognac tour Eiffel , the Boarding time came after some time the plane was full with French and Jordanian People some of them going to Jordan others to Laos , and other destinations ..., I passed the time reading Richard Branson book and Looking through the Camera remembering the nice moments in Paris and Brugge , Europe is always my enchanting destination, and I never stop wishing being there.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Brugge (Bruges), it's a small city that's approximately 400 Km to the North of Paris , It's called Venice of the North , It's a city that you can taste in it all old ages in Europe , the Buildings are amazingly old and used till this date , some of them you can still read the year 1608 or something like this
the Bridges over the water channels are so old , and some of them are never restored , The beauty of the Nature is something that you can't stop wondering , I preferred to take a bike and make a tour around the small city , the way the people here chose , I made the tour for 2 hours then I bought the luxurious chocolate they are doing , all hand made , it is Family business in Brugge ,By the way this small city speaks Flemish which is popular Language in Belgium especially in West Flanders , the Trip to brugge by bus was wonderful as well all Green fields spreading as the eye can stretch , Cows , sheep , rivers and lakes , Bullet Trains on the other side
I wish I have my life in this place , it is a small paradise..

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Bedouin Tent

Me and my friends in a Bedouin tent .

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Me and my friends at the Dead sea covered ourselves with the Black mineral mud of the Dead sea.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Green Peace

Join Greenpeace 7 Step Climate Campaign

If you wanna save the Nature ....from being polluted ...and stop the weather deterioration , Please follow the 7 following steps ....be active...don't bother
People resistance ...Ignorance makes people resistant to change...

Tuesday, June 05, 2007


white photos with facial recognition technology" target="_blank">

This was generated based on a submitted photo the www.myheritage.com website

So if you are Intersted to know whom you are looking like from the celebrities

Out-there go ahead and register , so many other nice features are available..

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Friday, December 29, 2006

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Monday, October 02, 2006

George again...
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George ...my Nephew
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Friday, July 28, 2006

Mosaic photo of the Dubai Desert Safari
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Me and My freind Ammar at al Mubazzarah park at the Bottom of Hafeet Mt. Al Ain ,UAE
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the Bottom of the Mt. hot water springs
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the Way up...3 lanes 2up one down 11 Km
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The Sun at the sunset over Hafeet Mt.
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Jabal Hafeet , Al Ain, UAE
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Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Monday, June 05, 2006

The Israeli Wall , the Wall of the apartheid
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Books I Read

  • Rule by secrecy
  • Screw it , let's do it
  • Sowing the wind
  • ذاكرة جسد
  • Eleven Minutes
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About Me

My photo
loves life , adores beauty , and always on the run