Friday, December 29, 2006

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Monday, October 02, 2006

George again...
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George Nephew
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Friday, July 28, 2006

Mosaic photo of the Dubai Desert Safari
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Me and My freind Ammar at al Mubazzarah park at the Bottom of Hafeet Mt. Al Ain ,UAE
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the Bottom of the Mt. hot water springs
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the Way up...3 lanes 2up one down 11 Km
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The Sun at the sunset over Hafeet Mt.
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Jabal Hafeet , Al Ain, UAE
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Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Monday, June 05, 2006

The Israeli Wall , the Wall of the apartheid
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A bee flying , Madaba , Jordan
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Kempenski Hotel , Dead sea , Jordan
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Kempenski Hotel Ishtar, Dea sea
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a Dove drinking , Dead sea
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Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Diverse types of fish and coral reefs of Tiran Strait in the Red sea (Photo taken by underwater camera)
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Fauna of Sharm el Sheikh, Red sea , Egypt
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Saturday, May 27, 2006

al leila wa leila , a wonderful place to have good night life
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Folkloric Dance of Egypt , Sharm el Sheikh
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Dancing over the horseback
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Alf leila wa leila , a wonderful night in Sharm
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Holiday Inn hotel , so Luxurious experience
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Just before going for Scuba diving a wonderful experience
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view from Marriott beach hotel, Sharm el Sheikh
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Fauna of Sharm
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the Glass boat from outside
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Glass boats are nice way to check the beauty of the red sea , charming Sharm..
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Parasailing , give you an eye over
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Parasailing is an attractive experience to go for
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Butterfly fish , just beneath the surface near the shore
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Scuba dive shop in Sharm
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Flora da Sharm
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Flora of Sharm , just Charming!
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the view at the sunset with the view of the Sinai mountains in the background
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So many nice boats classic and modern all coexisting
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After finishing the first snorkeling session in Tiran's Strait , a marvellous corals and colorful fish from all types
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Me on the boat to Tiran Strait in the red sea
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Marriot Beach , it is a real sun and fun , just add some water and corals
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Books I Read

  • Rule by secrecy
  • Screw it , let's do it
  • Sowing the wind
  • ذاكرة جسد
  • Eleven Minutes
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loves life , adores beauty , and always on the run

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