Saturday, August 13, 2005

Digital Photography

Digital Photography is one hobby , That I enjoy a lot and never feel boredom doing it

Especially when I got the right place to practice it , I usually travel to find the places but whenever I'm in one place I try to find the small details in everything , to create a new

Photo , sometimes the scarcity of things create more chances for the person to find new thngs
to photograpph and be more creative

This example above , is a dragonfly I met while swimming he was going in and out I waited him eagerly till it returned back i was ready focused at the spot it resides and then , Snap him ...

patience is another thing you must have to take great photos

Books I Read

  • Rule by secrecy
  • Screw it , let's do it
  • Sowing the wind
  • ذاكرة جسد
  • Eleven Minutes
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About Me

My photo
loves life , adores beauty , and always on the run